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September 2015

 LG Nexus 5 (2015) at a glance 


 Processor: Snapdragon 808 (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Memory: 3GB RAM / 32 GB onboard / 100 GB online (Nexus 5 rumor – except the cloud part)
    Screen: 5.2” IPS LCD 1080p (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Rear Camera: 13MP with phase detection autofocus, dual tone flash (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Front camera: 5MP (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Battery: 2680 mAh (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Dual front facing stereo speakers (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Fingerprint sensor (Nexus 5 rumor)
    Quick charging
    Bluetooth 4.0 LE
    WiFi A/B/G/N/AC
    GSM 850/900/1800/1900
    WCDMA 850/900/1800/1900/2100
    LTE Bands 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/12/17/20/28
Here comes the interesting part: pricing. The Robin costs either $299 or $349 on Kickstarter (depending how fast you act), with the final retail price set to be $399.

Firewall Explained
A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.
here are several types of firewall techniques:
Packet filter: Looks at each packet entering or leaving the network and accepts or rejects it based on user-defined rules. Packet filtering is fairly effective and transparent to users, but it is difficult to configure. In addition, it is susceptible to IP spoofing.
Application gateway: Applies security mechanisms to specific applications, such as FTP and Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can impose a performance degradation.
Circuit-level gateway: Applies security mechanisms when a TCP or UDP connection is established. Once the connection has been made, packets can flow between the hosts without further checking.
Proxy server: Intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network. The proxy server effectively hides the true network addresses.
In practice, many firewalls use two or more of these techniques in concert. A firewall is considered a first line of defense in protecting private information. For greater security, data can be encrypted.
The seven layers of the OSI model are as follows:
Layer 7 is the application layer: It is the user interface to your computer (the programs), for example, word processor, e-mail application, telnet, and so on.
Layer 6 is the presentation layer: It acts as the translator between systems, converting application layer information to a common format understandable by different systems. This layer handles encryption and standards such as Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).
Layer 5 is the session layer: It manages the connections or service requests between computers.
Layer 4 is the transport layer: It prepares data for delivery to the network. Transmission Control Protocol is a function of Layer 4, providing reliable communication and ordering of data. User Datagram Protocol is also a role of Layer 4, but it does not provide reliable delivery of data.
Layer 3 is the network layer: It is where IP addressing and routing happen. Data at this layer is considered a "packet."
Layer 2 is the data-link layer: It handles the reliable sending of information. Media Access Control is a component of Layer 2. Data at this layer would be referred to as a "frame."
Layer 1 is the physical layer: It is composed of the objects that you can see and some that you cannot, such as electrical characteristics.

Basic Linux Commands:

alias:- Allows you to set aliases and view the current ali
awk:- Search for a pattern within a file.
alien:- Converts .tgz and rpm’s to .deb format.
banner:- Prints characters as a poster.
badblocks:- Searches a device for bad blocks.
biff:- Turns mail notification on and off.
bg:- move a job running in the foreground to the backgr
bzip2:- Used to compress and decompress files. Similar to
cardctl:- Used to control PCMCIA cards.
cfdisk:- Used to partition a hard disk.
cp:- Copy
chattr:- Changes the attributes of a file or folder.
chroot:- Change the root directory for a command.
chmod:- Used to change permissions on a directory or file.
chown:- Used to change the owner of a file or directory.
chgrp:- Used to change the group a file belongs to.
clear:- Clears the screen
cpio:- Copies file.
cat:- Displays the content of a file
chpasswd:- Used to change a large number of passwords at once.
cd:- Changes directories.
chage:- Sets password aging parameters.
cal:- Displays a calendar.
cron:- Used to execute commands at a certain time.
crontab:- Allows you to view or edit the current cron jobs.
dselect:- A graphical front end for dpkg.
dpkg:- Installs packages on debain distro’s.
date:- Prints current date to the screen
du:- Lists disk usage in a directory.
df:- Reports disk usage information. df -h
dmesg:- Used to view the kernel boot file.
dump:- Used for backing up.
edquota:- Sets quotas for specific users.
env:- Lists current environment variables.
fdisk:- Used to create/edit/delete partitions.
fsck:- Checks a file system for consistency.
fg:- Used to send jobs to the background.
fuser:- Checks to see what processes and users have open files.
find:- Searches for a file.
free:- Will show total memory, used memory, and free memory.
gcc:- Used to compile C, Assembler, and Preprocessed C source.
gedit:- open document file [redhat]
gnome-terminal :- open new terminal.
gpasswd:- Used to set a password for a group.
grep:- Used to search through a file for a specified pattern.
getty:- Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
groupadd:- Create new group account.
groupdel:- Deletes a group.
groupmod:- Used to modify a group.
groups:- Shows what groups a user is part of.
gunzip:- Uncompress files compressed by gzip.
head:- Displays the first 10 lines of a file to the screen.
hdparm:- Gets disk information.
history:- Lists recently executed commands.
host:- Used to get DNS info.
htpasswd:- Allows you to set usernames and passwords for your websever.
id:- Display information about yourself or another user.
insmod:- Installs modules.
init:- Used to change run levels.
isapnp:- Sets up ISA cards.
icmpinfo:- Intercept and interpret ICMP packets
jobs:- Used to show jobs running in the background.
join:- Join lines of two sorted.
kill:- Used to kill a process.
killall:- Kill processes by command name.
kernelcfg:- A graphical application configures Linux.
klogd:- Control which kernel messages.
linuxconf:- A command line GUI which lets you configure your linux
lpc:- Used to control a line printer.
lpq:- View the print spool queue.
lpr:- Send files to the printer spool queue.
ls:- Displays a directories contents.
ln:- Used to create hard and symbolic links.
less:- Display the contents of a file
locate:- Search for a file or directory.
ldd:- Shows what shared libraries a program is dependent on.
ldconfig:- Used to configure/view shared libraries.
last:- Lists logins and reboots.
lastlog:- Print the last login times for system accounts.
lsmod:- Lists loaded modules.
lsattr:- Lists the attributes for a file or folder.
logrotate:- Used to manipulate log files.
mount:- Used by itself, reports the currently mounted files.
modinfo:- Give info about the module.
modprobe:- Queries modules.
man:- Displays the Man page for a given command.
mesg:- Used to allow/not allow ‘write’.
manpath:- Attempts to determine the path to a man page.
mail:- Used to send and receive mail.
mkdir:- Make directory
mke2fs:- Used to format a partition with the Ext2 file system.
mv:- Move/Rename
merge:- Merge multiple files together.
more:- Lets you page through text one screen full at a time.
minicom:- Great utility for troublshooting a modem.
mkbootdisk:- Used to make a boot disk.
nautilus:- for open the directory [redhat].
ntsysv:- Used to select what services should automatically start.
nice:- Used to set process priorities.
nslookup:- Used to get DNS info from name servers.
netstat:- Shows active sockets.
partprobe:- without reboot system update the kernal when make partition in redhat.
ps:- Displays current processes
ping:- Used to test connectivity between two hosts.
pwd:- Present Working Directory
pwconv:- Used to set up the /etc/shadow file.
pnpdump:- Determines settings for existing ISA cards.
quota:- Allows users to view their own disk quotas.
quotaon:- Turns on disk quotas for the system.
quotaoff:- Turns off disk quotas for the system.
repquota:- Provides reports of disk usage for various users.
rmmod:- Removes modules.
rm:- Remove
rmdir:- Remove directory
rpm:- (RedHat flavors only)Used to install RPM’s
rpcinfo:- Used to see what rpc services are available.
route:- Used to view/change routes between you and other hosts.
script:- terminal recording command in redhat.[ctrl+D stop the recording & cat typescript for the read recording.
smbclient:- Used to connect to Windows shares or Samba.
smbadduser:- Maps linux user names to Windows NT user names.
smbpasswd:- Used to update the smbpasswd file with new accounts.
set:- Used to read and write variables.
setquota:- Used to set disk quotas.
sort:- Sorts lines in a file by alphabetical order.
sndconfig:- Used to probe and configure a sound card.
su:- Change to Super User (root).
spell:- Checks for spelling errors in a file.
startx:- Start the X Server (GUI)
shutdown:- Shutdown machine
suspend:- Places a shell in the background.
showmount:- Shows mount information for an NFS server.
swapon:- Turns on the swapfile.
swapoff:- Turns off the swapfile.
testparm:- Used to troubleshoot Samba.
tar:- Used to compress multiple files.
timeconfig:- Used to set the timezone on your machine.
tac:- View a file from the last line up.
touch:- Creates an empty file.
tail:- Displays the last 10 lines of a file to the screen.
talk:- Used to chat with another user on the same machine.
tr:- Converts one set of characters to another.
traceroute:- Used to track the path a packet takes to a host.
top:- Shows information about the most CPU-intensive Apps.
useradd:- Add a user.
usermod:- Modify a user.
userdel:- Delete a user.
umount:- Removes a device from the filesystem.
unalias ls :- remove color from terminal [folder in terminal].
updatedb:- Updates the locate database.
uname:- Determines OS name, version and machine name.
vmstat:- Lists information on memory usage.
vi:- A text editor
whereis:- Finds documentation files.
who:- Tells you who is logged into your server.
whoami:- Tells you your user information.
wc:- Print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
which:- Finds the full path for a command.
write:- Used to send a message to another user.
whois:- Used to query servers for info on.
wall:- Writes a message to all logged in users.
xman:- Graphical interface for man pages.
xf86config:- Used to configure X.
zcat:- Read files that have been compressed with gzip.

How far do u know ?

¤ 1 Bit = Binary Digit
¤ 8 Bits = 1 Byte
¤ 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
¤ 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
¤ 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
¤ 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
¤ 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
¤ 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
¤ 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
¤ 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
¤ 1024Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
¤ 1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte
¤ 1024 Geopbyte=1 Saganbyte
¤ 1024 Saganbyte=1 Pijabyte
¤ Alphabyte = 1024 Pijabyte
¤ Kryatbyte = 1024 Alphabyte
¤ Amosbyte = 1024 Kryatbyte
¤ Pectrolbyte = 1024 Amosbyte
¤ Bolgerbyte = 1024 Pectrolbyte
¤ Sambobyte = 1024 Bolgerbyte
¤ Quesabyte = 1024 Sambobyte
¤ Kinsabyte = 1024 Quesabyte
¤ Rutherbyte = 1024 Kinsabyte
¤ Dubnibyte = 1024 Rutherbyte
¤ Seaborgbyte = 1024 Dubnibyte
¤ Bohrbyte = 1024 Seaborgbyte
¤ Hassiubyte = 1024 Bohrbyte
¤ Meitnerbyte = 1024 Hassiubyte
¤ Darmstadbyte = 1024 Meitnerbyte
¤ Roentbyte = 1024 Darmstadbyte
¤ Coperbyte = 1024 Roentbyte

  iPhone 7 is here - Finally !

Camera :- One of the biggest areas of improvement for the iPhone 7 could be the camera. The camera might represent the biggest camera jump in the history of the iPhone, with a two-lens system that could capture "DSLR-quality imagery," .The iPhone 7 camera could be up to 21-megapixels but more likely is a jump to 12Mp. But the catch is that the pixels will be smaller which may mean a drop in low light performance.A dual-lens camera would allow the iPhone 7 to include optical zoom capabilities and improve low-light photography.



Software :- The iPhone 7 to ship with iOS 9 installed.
Reversible USB charger:- iPhone 7 will come with a new iPhone charger, with a Lightning connector on one end and a new reversible USB connector on the other end.

iPhone 7 will with sidewall display.

Enhanced Find my Friends.

Specs & new features :- The iPhone 7 will have a faster processor, probably names the A9, joined by an M9 co-processor. Interestingly, that Apple will finally up the iPhone RAM complement, with 2GB LPDDR4 memory.

iPhone 7 to feature an e-SIM

Design :-we can expect the iPhone 7 to have a 4.7in screen (and the iPhone 7 Plus should Apple decide to launch one to have a 5.5in display), a rounded, aluminium chassis and a very slim profile. It's also likely that it'll be available in Silver, Gold and Slate Grey.

Sony Xperia Z5 at a glance !!

The flagship beast from sony and beast of the xperia z5 series. This smartphones carries the best camera of 23 MP with latest imaging technologies and with an elegant waterproof design. This beast comes with hybrid auto focus acc. to company. Xperia Z5 is powered with Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994)Adreno 430 GPU and with 64 bit processor. This sounds a bit technical. Xperia Z5 comes with 2900 MAh battery. Battery sounds enough for smartphone of this range. The smartphone is very light just of 154 Grams. It sports a display of 5.2” FHD 1080p (1920×1080) (Triluminos display for Mobile). The front camera would be of 5 MP with Sony Exmor R for mobile sensor Full HD video. Moreover the camera would be capable of 4K HD Video recording and with image stabilization. 


Sony Xperia Z5 :- RAM : 3 GB Display : 5.2 inch screen and 1080P Resolution Processor : Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994) Primary Camera : 23 MP with Hybrid Autofocus Front cameras : 5 MP with Internal Storage Capacity : 32 GB Battery : 2900 mAh battery with fast charging.

Sony Xperia Z5 Compact :- RAM : 3 GB Display : 4.7 inch screen and 780P Resolution Processor : Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994) Primary Camera : 23 MP with Hybrid Autofocus Front cameras : 5 MP with Internal Storage Capacity : 32 GB Battery : 2900 mAh battery with fast charging

Sony Xperia Z5 Premium :- RAM : 3 GB Display : 5.5 inch screen and 4K Resolution Processor : Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994) Primary Camera : 23 MP with Hybrid Autofocus Front cameras : 5 MP with Internal Storage Capacity : 32 GB Battery : 3430 mAh battery with fast charging


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How To Get Approved For Google AdSense Quickly?

To maximise your Blog’s earning, nothing is better than AdSense. It let you be free of searching for advertisers, so you can concentrate on Content creation. But Getting approved in AdSense is a headache. Some blogger don’t get their account after several attempt. Now 2 step verification process makes AdSense approval even worse. To help those frustrated and hopeless bloggers I am going to write this Quick Approval tips.

Why AdSense?

As previously stated, Both Affiliate marketing and  AdSense are the best way to monetize your blog. But getting success in Affiliate marketing requires lots of visitors (>50K). If your blog is relatively new and don’t have such amount of visitors then AdSense is the best option for your blog (When you manage to get an Approved account) .

Why Google Doesn’t approve all the Applications to it’s AdSense program?

The AdSense ad publishing platform works with another advertiser network AdWords. In AdWords Advertiser pays lots of money to get targeted traffic from Google publisher network. Hence Google needs to maintain quality of publishing website for their advertisers. In order to maintain their quality, they rejects applications which doesn’t comply with their needs.
Here Bloggers makes a mistake, they doesn’t’ know when to apply for an AdSense account and what qualities needed for getting your account approved.

Main Reasons of AdSense account Rejection

  • Duplicate content
  • Spyware and malware in website
  • Too little traffic
  • Website too new
  • Not enough quality Content

Get Approved For AdSense Fast?

Above are the main reasons of rejecting your AdSense account approval. But Google sometime rejects application of websites which don’t have any Account rejection Quality. So if your Website/blog has original content and sufficiently old, follow some or all of the following AdSense account approval tips.
1. Quantity & Quality of Content

Content is the king, and The quality and quantity of content in your website/blog matters a lot. Google prefers website/blog with original valuable content. Instead of that, Quality content will increase your traffic and hence will earn more for you at later time (if you get your account ). Lots of long well written and unique articles are one of the important factors to get a Google Adsense account.
2. Apply Only Once ( Do not apply for more than one Adsense account for different websites)
This is crucial, you couldn’t have more than one approved AdSense account. Now say you have 2 blogs and applied twice in AdSense thinking that this will increase your approval chance. But it’s wrong, if you have submitted an application and have not received the approval or rejection e-mail, please do not apply for another account with your second website as Google is smart enough to track these kinds of situation.
3. Use Real Names:
Don’t use your nickname while applying for an AdSense account. Instead of that always use your Real name, as Payments will be done at that name.
4. Traffic, Traffic and Traffic
It’s an applied knowledge, don’t apply for an AdSense account if you don’t have sufficient amount of traffic.
I am saying this as, even if you get your AdSense account approved, but You will not be able to make good amount of money from your blog. And an account earning 5 to 10 cents per day are useless.
Instead of that, The best time to apply for an AdSense account is when you use to get at least 100 Unique visitors or 150 page views per day.
5. Professional Look of your Site/blog
A site/blog with messy unprofessional look will not get approved in AdSense. So I will suggest you to use a Good Looking theme for your Blog (both WP and Blogger) before applying for an AdSense account.
At last the most important note : You may be rejected by Google many times but don’t loose hope. Keep adding content and modifying your website according to Adsense and keep re-applying. Even I was rejected many times before I got my Adsense account approved.
I think you have benefitted from this AdSense Quick Approval tips. For any kinds of problem leave a comment and let us know. We will try to get to you soon.

Sony Xperia M4 Aqua Expert Reviews !


Form factor     Touchscreen
Dimensions (mm)     145.50 x 72.60 x 7.30
Weight (g)     140.00
Battery capacity (mAh)     2400
Removable battery     No
Colours     Black, White, Coral
SAR value     NA

Screen size (inches)     5.00
Touchscreen     Yes
Resolution     720x1280 pixels
Processor     1GHz  octa-core
Processor make     Qualcomm Snapdragon 615

RAM     2GB
Internal storage     8GB
Expandable storage     Yes
Expandable storage type     microSD
Expandable storage up to (GB)     128
Rear camera     13-megapixel
Flash     Yes
Front camera     5-megapixel
Operating System     Android 5.0
Wi-Fi     Yes
Wi-Fi standards supported     802.11 b/ g/ n
GPS     Yes
Bluetooth     Yes, v 4.10
NFC     Yes
Infrared     No
Wi-Fi Direct     No
MHL Out     No
HDMI     No
Headphones     3.5mm
FM     Yes
SIM Type     Nano-SIM
3G     Yes
4G/ LTE     Yes
Supports 4G in India (Band 40)     Yes
Compass/ Magnetometer     No
Proximity sensor     Yes
Accelerometer     Yes
Ambient light sensor     Yes
Gyroscope     Yes
Barometer     No
Temperature sensor     No

Best Android Smartphones > 3GB RAM

#1 One Plus One

One plus one is one of the best android phone with 3GB LPDDR3 RAM. This phone is available on at amazing price. One plus one gives you amazing phone features in very low price. One plus one maker make nethunter mobile os  for this phone , so you can turn your One Plus one Phone into a hacking machine.  With this phone you hack wifi and do lots of multitasking in android phone.
One Plus One
One Plus One

#2 Motorola Nexus 6

Nexus series is one of the best mobile series by Google Android Phones. This phone come with latest android OS 5.0 . Nexus series is famous for his development , like you use this phone for multitasking and hardcore developing. Nexus come With High End GPU that means you really enjoy high graphics gaming in this android mobile.
Nexus 6
Nexus 6

#3 Huawei Honor 6

Huawei is very low price phone in the 3GB RAM category phone. Huawei comes withOcta Core and 3GB RAM. I thnik you full awesome when you buy this phone in very low price. Huawei give you gorilla glass protection on screen.
Huawei Honor 6
Huawei Honor 6

#4 LG G Pro 2

LG pro comes with bigger screen 5.9 inches. This phone is not so popular like above. In my review this is very good phone if you believe in company. LG G Pro gives you3200mAh battery , so you can play android games atleast 8-10 hours.

#5 Sony Xperia Z2

Sony is father of all phone in this category. This phone comes with 20 Mega Pixel camera. You can record videos from this phone in 4K Quality. This phone body is great and come with gorilla glasss.

#6 Samsung Galazy Note 4

Samsung Galaxy Note is made for multitasking, you can split windows in this phone. Galaxy note is made for hardcore android fans. Phone come with 16MegaaPixel camera and QHD Display. Samsung Galaxy Note Comes with Adreno 420 that means you can play games with good experiance.
Samsung Galazy Note
Samsung Galazy Note

#7 Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro

Lenovo is a computer maker but this time they launched a Android Phone with 3GB RAM. Lenovo phone display size is 6inch and come with QHD Display. Phone body is brushed-metal-finish aluminium back panel that looks gorgeous in this phone.

#8 Gionee Elife E7

Gionee Phone famous for lightweight and slimmest size. Gionee Elife weight is 150gm , so you feel very light when you take this phone in your hand. Gionee Elife give you all features that you want from this price.


#1 Dell Alienware 17 Laptop   [

Alienware Laptop is the big name in Gaming World. Alienware 17 Laptop come with powerful Intel Core i7 processor (4th Generation). Nvidia Graphics with 3GB Memory ispowerful graphics card  for high-end gaming in laptop.

Dell Alienware 17 Laptop

# 2 Dell Alienware AW14781TB2A1 Notebook

You want Alienware new laptop but in cheap price , buy this laptop. This laptop come with2GB Nvidia Graphics Card, you can play easily run any game on this laptop with great performance.

Dell Alienware AW14781TB2A1 Notebook

#3 Apple Macbook Pro  [ ]

Apple is known for its quality. You can play pc games on this laptop from Bootcamp. Apple runs all pc games smoothly without any issue. Apple Macbook Pro comes with 16GB RAM that is very good for play game in laptops.
Apple Macbook Pro

#4 MSI GS60 2PE Ghost Pro  []

MSI is also a big name in good quality laptops. MSI build laptop computers for gaming. This is lightweight laptop that comes with many features. This laptop also come with additional 128GB ssd drive with 1TB HDD. So you play your game with full graphics on this gaming laptop.

MSI GS60 2PE Ghost Pro


There are a lot of ways by which one can make money online from his website. However, there are still many bloggers out there who are struggling to earn a decent amount through their blogs despite of putting much effort. The reasons behind this are many, but the most obvious reason is most bloggers don’t know which method of earning they should follow. If you are also one of those people who are running an online business which doesn’t seem to earn much, then this article is just for you.
When it comes to monetize through a website or blog, providing advertisement is considered as the most suitable way. There are many services on the web who offers an effective way to earning a good income through advertisement. The most widely used is Google Adsense, where you are required to submit an application for your blog and after they approve, Adsense will provide ads on your website and you will be able to earn brilliant money within few weeks.
However, it is easier said than done as it is incredibly difficult to get approval from Adsense. It has been reported that more than 30% of applications are rejected by Google Adsense. This is the main reason why people continue to look for a suitable alternative for Adsense, which offers brilliant payment, worthy features and approve their application within a couple of days.

Infolinks is one such alternative of Adsense that has been used by millions of people worldwide. It is known as the best income source for bloggers who have tried Google Adsense and got rejected. Similar to Adsense, Infolinks is also a Pay Per Click advertising platform that assists website owners to earn some extra earning.
About Infolinks:
Infolinks is a pay per click service provider started in 2007 and since then, it has helped thousands of to make some great money through their website. It contains a lot of features like Google Adsense in addition with some more benefits of its own. Other than the fact that getting approval from Infolinks is a piece of cake, it also provides different types of advertisement such as in-text, in-frame and much more. More people are associating with Infolinks these days as they are finding Google Adsense approval pretty difficult due to strict terms.
How Infolinks works?
Infolinks uses the related keywords from the website to showcase similar ads. These in-text will appear to be the same as normal kinds of links on the website, thus will result in more click, which will eventually give you more cash. The higher number of clicks and views you will get, the more money you will be able to make from Infolinks. This is as simple as that.
How to get started with Infolinks?

In order to get started with Infolinks, all you need to do is create a publisher account on Infolinks, which is very simple. Sign up as a publisher and enter your personal details such as name, address, email address, website name, etc. After sign up, it will take a max of a couple of days from Infolinks to approve your application and once you get the approval, you can start inserting ads in your page. If you are using a WordPress blog, then inserting ads is quite easy as it can be done with the help of plugins.
You can use the Infolinks official plugin from the WordPress plugin directory to easily integrate Infolinks ads in your blog. You don’t need to manually place the ads on your website through Java script code just like Google Adsense. All you need to do is add the code into your website and the rest will be taken care by the automated system.
Unlike Adsense, there aren’t any special requirements necessary, such as high traffic on the website to get your application approved by Infolinks. You just need to have a genuine website with decent content and traffic to get a publisher account. Once everything is done, you can see Infolinks ad on your blog within five minutes.

 iPhone 6s at a glance .

 Specifications :- 

Apple iPhone 6s detailed specifications
Release date September 2015
Form factor Touchscreen
Dimensions (mm) 138.30 x 67.10 x 7.10
Weight (g) 143.00
Removable battery No
Colours Silver, Gold, Space Grey, Rose Gold
SAR value NA
Screen size (inches) 4.70
Touchscreen Yes
Resolution 750x1334 pixels
Pixels per inch (PPI) 326
Processor make A9
Internal storage 16GB
Rear camera 12-megapixel
Flash Yes
Front camera 5-megapixel
Operating System iOS 9
Wi-Fi Yes
Wi-Fi standards supported 802.11 a/ b/ g/ n/ ac
Bluetooth Yes, v 4.20
Infrared No
Wi-Fi Direct No
MHL Out No
Headphones 3.5mm
SIM Type Nano-SIM
3G Yes
4G/ LTE Yes
Supports 4G in India (Band 40) Yes
Compass/ Magnetometer Yes
Proximity sensor Yes
Accelerometer Yes
Ambient light sensor Yes
Gyroscope Yes
Barometer Yes
Temperature sensor No

Moto G 3rd Gen 2015 - First Look & Specifications.


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Specifications :- 
Alternate names
Release date
July 2015
Form factor
Dimensions (mm)
142.10 x 72.40 x 11.60
Weight (g)
Battery capacity (mAh) 
Removable battery
Black, White
SAR value
Screen size (inches)
720x1280 pixels
Pixels per inch (PPI) 
1.4GHz  quad-core
Processor make
Qualcomm Snapdragon 410
Internal storage
Expandable storage
Expandable storage type
Expandable storage up to (GB) 
Rear camera
Front camera 
Operating System 
Android 5.1.1
Wi-Fi standards supported
802.11 b/ g/ n
Yes, v 4.00
Wi-Fi Direct
Number of SIMs

SIM Type
Supports 4G in India (Band 40) 

SIM Type
Supports 4G in India (Band 40) 
Compass/ Magnetometer 
Proximity sensor
Ambient light sensor
Temperature sensor

Difference between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors?
Although Intel's naming convention is generally a lot better and less confusing than it used to be, it can be difficult to work out exactly which processor suits your needs. If you're struggling to work out the differences between the Core i3, i5 and i7, don't worry, as we'll explain everything for you.
First, it's important to explain about architecture and codenames. Every year, Intel releases a newer, faster range of processors. We're currently starting to see Devil's Canyon chips, a refresh of last year's Haswell. Before that we had Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge. Generally speaking a Core i3, i5 or i7 that has a newer architecture is faster than the older-architecture processor that it replaces. You can tell the architecture by the model number, Devil's Canyon and Haswell start with 4; Ivy Bridge with a 3; and Sandy Bridge with a 2.
The most important thing about different architectures is making sure that you have a motherboard that supports the type of processor you're interested in. Processors, regardless of whether they're a Core i3, i5 and i7, based on the same architecture are fundamentally the same inside. The differences in performance come from which features are enabled or disabled, the clock speed and how many cores each one has.
Core i3
Core i5
Core i7
Number of cores
Turbo boost
K model
The feature table above shows you how the most popular processors line-up in terms of features. The differences in Core i3, i5 and i7 are the same for Sandy Bridge Ivy Bridge, Haswell and Devil's Canyon (a Haswell refresh). Note that there are exceptions (see below), but you're mostly unlikely to encounter these odd models when buying a new CPU. Also, mobile processors are completely different again, so we're focussing on desktop models here only. What's important is what these different features mean, which we'll explain.

A core can be thought of as in individual processor. A dual-core processor, therefore has two internal processors, a quad-core model has four. More cores are useful for multi-tasking; for example, you can run two applications at the same time, each one having access to its own dedicated processor.
More cores are also useful for multi-threaded applications, such as video editing. With these types of applications they can use multiple cores to improve performance. Single-threaded applications can only use a single core leaving any others idle. Core i3 processors have two cores, Core i5 CPUs have four and Core i7 models also have four.  Some Core i7 Extreme processors have six or eight cores. Generally speaking, we find that most applications can't take full advantage of six or eight cores, so the performance boost from extra cores isn't as great.

Hyper-Threading is Intel's technology for creating two logical cores in each physical core. In other words, to your operating system it appears as though your CPU has double the number of cores than it really does.
In terms of performance, Hyper-Threading speeds up multi-tasking and multi-threaded applications. It's not as fast or as efficient as extra 'real' cores, but it's an improvement over a single Core. Core i3 and i7 processors have this technology, Core i5 processors do not.
Clock Speed
The faster the clock speed in MHz, the faster each core can run. This can create some variances in performance. For example, a Core i3-4370 Haswell processor runs at 3.8GHz. It would be faster running a single-threaded application, which can only use one core, than a Core i5-4590, which only has a clock speed of 3.2GHz. However, running a multi-threaded application, the Core i5 would most likely be quicker, as its four real cores are better than the Core i3's two cores and Hyper-Threading.
Turbo Boost
Turbo Boost is Intel's technology for automatically overclocking a processor, boosting its clock speed higher than the default setting. The CPU monitors its temperature and, when it's running cool enough, will apply the overclock. Core i5 and i7 CPUs have this technology, Core i3 models do not.
K Models
Any CPU that has a model ending with a K means that it the CPU is unlocked. This means that you can use BIOS settings to up the clock speed of the chip, overclocking it yourself. We've seen big improvements in performance this way - we pushed the Intel Core i7-4790K chip to 4.7GHz!
Graphics chip
All Intel processors have graphics chips in them. Pre-Haswell, the GPUs weren't particularly good for games, although they were fine for watching video. With Haswell, came the Intel HD Graphics 4600 line, which is fine for a bit of light gaming; some cheaper models (we'll show you how to check later) have HD Graphics 4400 chips, which are fine for some older less-demanding games. Some of the more expensive chips have Intel Iris Pro chips in them. They're slightly faster in games, but can cope with 4K video, making them suitable for high-end video editing
In all cases, if you're serious about playing games, Intel chips don't cut it and won't give you high-resolution, high-detail gaming. We recommend buying a dedicated graphics card instead.
As always, there are some exceptions to the rules. In particular, Intel sells some low-power processors, where the model name ends in a T, TE or S. For example, the Core i5-4570T has two cores and Hyper-Threading. Fortunately, these models aren't generally available and we recommend avoiding any of these strange models unless you have a specific reason for wanting one.
How to check features
If you're not sure which features that processor you're interested in has, you can use the website. Just use the search box to search for a model number and you'll find all of the features your processor has.
Which one should I buy?
As a rough guide, a Core i3 chip is fine for day-to-day use. Go for a Core i5 if you do a lot of video or photo editing. A Core i7 chip is generally more expensive than it's worth, in our experience, but buy one if you do a lot of video editing, particularly 4K, or other processor-intensive tasks.


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