Basic Linux Commands:
alias:- Allows you to set aliases and view the current ali
awk:- Search for a pattern within a file.
alien:- Converts .tgz and rpm’s to .deb format.
banner:- Prints characters as a poster.
badblocks:- Searches a device for bad blocks.
biff:- Turns mail notification on and off.
bg:- move a job running in the foreground to the backgr
bzip2:- Used to compress and decompress files. Similar to
cardctl:- Used to control PCMCIA cards.
cfdisk:- Used to partition a hard disk.
cp:- Copy
chattr:- Changes the attributes of a file or folder.
chroot:- Change the root directory for a command.
chmod:- Used to change permissions on a directory or file.
chown:- Used to change the owner of a file or directory.
chgrp:- Used to change the group a file belongs to.
clear:- Clears the screen
cpio:- Copies file.
cat:- Displays the content of a file
chpasswd:- Used to change a large number of passwords at once.
cd:- Changes directories.
chage:- Sets password aging parameters.
cal:- Displays a calendar.
cron:- Used to execute commands at a certain time.
crontab:- Allows you to view or edit the current cron jobs.
dselect:- A graphical front end for dpkg.
dpkg:- Installs packages on debain distro’s.
date:- Prints current date to the screen
du:- Lists disk usage in a directory.
df:- Reports disk usage information. df -h
dmesg:- Used to view the kernel boot file.
dump:- Used for backing up.
edquota:- Sets quotas for specific users.
env:- Lists current environment variables.
fdisk:- Used to create/edit/delete partitions.
fsck:- Checks a file system for consistency.
fg:- Used to send jobs to the background.
fuser:- Checks to see what processes and users have open files.
find:- Searches for a file.
free:- Will show total memory, used memory, and free memory.
gcc:- Used to compile C, Assembler, and Preprocessed C source.
gedit:- open document file [redhat]
gnome-terminal :- open new terminal.
gpasswd:- Used to set a password for a group.
grep:- Used to search through a file for a specified pattern.
getty:- Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
groupadd:- Create new group account.
groupdel:- Deletes a group.
groupmod:- Used to modify a group.
groups:- Shows what groups a user is part of.
gunzip:- Uncompress files compressed by gzip.
head:- Displays the first 10 lines of a file to the screen.
hdparm:- Gets disk information.
history:- Lists recently executed commands.
host:- Used to get DNS info.
htpasswd:- Allows you to set usernames and passwords for your websever.
id:- Display information about yourself or another user.
insmod:- Installs modules.
init:- Used to change run levels.
isapnp:- Sets up ISA cards.
icmpinfo:- Intercept and interpret ICMP packets
jobs:- Used to show jobs running in the background.
join:- Join lines of two sorted.
kill:- Used to kill a process.
killall:- Kill processes by command name.
kernelcfg:- A graphical application configures Linux.
klogd:- Control which kernel messages.
linuxconf:- A command line GUI which lets you configure your linux
lpc:- Used to control a line printer.
lpq:- View the print spool queue.
lpr:- Send files to the printer spool queue.
ls:- Displays a directories contents.
ln:- Used to create hard and symbolic links.
less:- Display the contents of a file
locate:- Search for a file or directory.
ldd:- Shows what shared libraries a program is dependent on.
ldconfig:- Used to configure/view shared libraries.
last:- Lists logins and reboots.
lastlog:- Print the last login times for system accounts.
lsmod:- Lists loaded modules.
lsattr:- Lists the attributes for a file or folder.
logrotate:- Used to manipulate log files.
mount:- Used by itself, reports the currently mounted files.
modinfo:- Give info about the module.
modprobe:- Queries modules.
man:- Displays the Man page for a given command.
mesg:- Used to allow/not allow ‘write’.
manpath:- Attempts to determine the path to a man page.
mail:- Used to send and receive mail.
mkdir:- Make directory
mke2fs:- Used to format a partition with the Ext2 file system.
mv:- Move/Rename
merge:- Merge multiple files together.
more:- Lets you page through text one screen full at a time.
minicom:- Great utility for troublshooting a modem.
mkbootdisk:- Used to make a boot disk.
nautilus:- for open the directory [redhat].
ntsysv:- Used to select what services should automatically start.
nice:- Used to set process priorities.
nslookup:- Used to get DNS info from name servers.
netstat:- Shows active sockets.
partprobe:- without reboot system update the kernal when make partition in redhat.
ps:- Displays current processes
ping:- Used to test connectivity between two hosts.
pwd:- Present Working Directory
pwconv:- Used to set up the /etc/shadow file.
pnpdump:- Determines settings for existing ISA cards.
quota:- Allows users to view their own disk quotas.
quotaon:- Turns on disk quotas for the system.
quotaoff:- Turns off disk quotas for the system.
repquota:- Provides reports of disk usage for various users.
rmmod:- Removes modules.
rm:- Remove
rmdir:- Remove directory
rpm:- (RedHat flavors only)Used to install RPM’s
rpcinfo:- Used to see what rpc services are available.
route:- Used to view/change routes between you and other hosts.
script:- terminal recording command in redhat.[ctrl+D stop the recording & cat typescript for the read recording.
smbclient:- Used to connect to Windows shares or Samba.
smbadduser:- Maps linux user names to Windows NT user names.
smbpasswd:- Used to update the smbpasswd file with new accounts.
set:- Used to read and write variables.
setquota:- Used to set disk quotas.
sort:- Sorts lines in a file by alphabetical order.
sndconfig:- Used to probe and configure a sound card.
su:- Change to Super User (root).
spell:- Checks for spelling errors in a file.
startx:- Start the X Server (GUI)
shutdown:- Shutdown machine
suspend:- Places a shell in the background.
showmount:- Shows mount information for an NFS server.
swapon:- Turns on the swapfile.
swapoff:- Turns off the swapfile.
testparm:- Used to troubleshoot Samba.
tar:- Used to compress multiple files.
timeconfig:- Used to set the timezone on your machine.
tac:- View a file from the last line up.
touch:- Creates an empty file.
tail:- Displays the last 10 lines of a file to the screen.
talk:- Used to chat with another user on the same machine.
tr:- Converts one set of characters to another.
traceroute:- Used to track the path a packet takes to a host.
top:- Shows information about the most CPU-intensive Apps.
useradd:- Add a user.
usermod:- Modify a user.
userdel:- Delete a user.
umount:- Removes a device from the filesystem.
unalias ls :- remove color from terminal [folder in terminal].
updatedb:- Updates the locate database.
uname:- Determines OS name, version and machine name.
vmstat:- Lists information on memory usage.
vi:- A text editor
whereis:- Finds documentation files.
who:- Tells you who is logged into your server.
whoami:- Tells you your user information.
wc:- Print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
which:- Finds the full path for a command.
write:- Used to send a message to another user.
whois:- Used to query servers for info on.
wall:- Writes a message to all logged in users.
xman:- Graphical interface for man pages.
xf86config:- Used to configure X.
zcat:- Read files that have been compressed with gzip.